Справка Houdini на русском Nodes Dynamics nodes

Ground Plane dynamics node

Creates a ground plane suitable for RBD or cloth simulations.

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The Ground Plane DOP creates a ground plane inside the DOP simulation. It creates a new object that has a simple grid geometry attached to it. The grid has a Volumetric Representation attached which simulates an infinitely large plane. This can be used as a collision surface for RBD or Cloth simulations.

Because the ground plane can be moved and reoriented, several ground planes can be used to box in an object.

Using Ground Planes

  1. Click the Ground Plane tool on the Rigid Bodies tab.


You can transform, rotate, scale, and keyframe the ground plane at various frames.


Object Name

The name for the created object.

Display Proxy Geometry

The display of the proxy geometry can be turned off.

For more complicated adjustments of the display status, including enabling the rendering of the proxy geometry, use the Rendering Parameters DOP.


The primitive color for the guide grid to be drawn in.

Grid Size

The scale factor for the guide grid. Note that the underlying volumetric representation will continue to infinity, unaffected by this scale factor.

Some culling methods, such as used by the RBD Solver, look at the geometry to determine a bounding volume. These may require a larger grid to ensure the collision with the ground plane is tested.

Initial State

OBJ Path

Allows you to specify the position and rotation of the ground plane based on the position and rotation of an object at the scene level.


The center of the ground plane.


The orientation of the ground plane. This is in RX/RY/RZ format.



The elasticity of the object. If two objects of bounce 1.0 collide, they will rebound without losing energy. If two objects of bounce 0.0 collide, they will come to a standstill.

Bounce Forward

The tangential elasticity of the object. If two objects of bounce forward 1.0 collide, their tangential motion will be affected only by friction. If two objects of bounce forward 0.0 collide, their tangential motion will be matched.


The coefficient of friction of the object. A value of 0 means the object is frictionless.

This governs how much the tangential velocity is affected by collisions and resting contacts.

Dynamic Friction Scale

An object sliding may have a lower friction coefficient than an object at rest. This is the scale factor that relates the two. It is not a friction coefficient, but a scale between zero and one.

A value of one means that dynamic friction is equal to static friction. A scale of zero means that as soon as static friction is overcome the object acts without friction.


Temperature marks how warm or cool an object is. This is used in gas simulations for ignition points of fuel or for buoyancy computations.

Since this does not relate directly to any real world temperature scale, ambient temperature is usually considered 0.



The ground plane object created by this node is sent through the single output.



This value is the simulation time for which the node is being evaluated.

This value may not be equal to the current Houdini time represented by the variable T, depending on the settings of the DOP Network Offset Time and Time Scale parameters.

This value is guaranteed to have a value of zero at the start of a simulation, so when testing for the first timestep of a simulation, it is best to use a test like $ST == 0 rather than $T == 0 or $FF == 1.


This value is the simulation frame (or more accurately, the simulation time step number) for which the node is being evaluated.

This value may not be equal to the current Houdini frame number represented by the variable F, depending on the settings of the DOP Network parameters. Instead, this value is equal to the simulation time (ST) divided by the simulation timestep size (TIMESTEP).


This value is the size of a simulation timestep. This value is useful to scale values that are expressed in units per second, but are applied on each timestep.


This value is the inverse of the TIMESTEP value. It is the number of timesteps per second of simulation time.


This is the number of objects in the simulation. For nodes that create objects such as the Empty Object node, this value will increase for each object that is evaluated.

A good way to guarantee unique object names is to use an expression like object_$SNOBJ.


This value is the number of objects that will be evaluated by the current node during this timestep. This value will often be different from SNOBJ, as many nodes do not process all the objects in a simulation.

This value may return 0 if the node does not process each object sequentially (such as the Group DOP).


This value is the index of the specific object being processed by the node. This value will always run from zero to NOBJ-1 in a given timestep. This value does not identify the current object within the simulation like OBJID or OBJNAME, just the object’s position in the current order of processing.

This value is useful for generating a random number for each object, or simply splitting the objects into two or more groups to be processed in different ways. This value will be -1 if the node does not process objects sequentially (such as the Group DOP).


This is the unique object identifier for the object being processed. Every object is assigned an integer value that is unique among all objects in the simulation for all time. Even if an object is deleted, its identifier is never reused.

The object identifier can always be used to uniquely identify a given object. This makes this variable very useful in situations where each object needs to be treated differently. It can be used to produce a unique random number for each object, for example.

This value is also the best way to look up information on an object using the dopfield expression function. This value will be -1 if the node does not process objects sequentially (such as the Group DOP).


This string contains a space separated list of the unique object identifiers for every object being processed by the current node.


This string contains a space separated list of the names of every object being processed by the current node.


This value is the simulation time (see variable ST) at which the current object was created.

Therefore, to check if an object was created on the current timestep, the expression $ST == $OBJCT should always be used. This value will be zero if the node does not process objects sequentially (such as the Group DOP).


This value is the simulation frame (see variable SF) at which the current object was created.

This value is equivalent to using the dopsttoframe expression on the OBJCT variable. This value will be zero if the node does not process objects sequentially (such as the Group DOP).


This is a string value containing the name of the object being processed.

Object names are not guaranteed to be unique within a simulation. However, if you name your objects carefully so that they are unique, the object name can be a much easier way to identify an object than the unique object identifier, OBJID.

The object name can also be used to treat a number of similar objects (with the same name) as a virtual group. If there are 20 objects named "myobject", specifying strcmp($OBJNAME, "myobject") == 0 in the activation field of a DOP will cause that DOP to operate only on those 20 objects. This value will be the empty string if the node does not process objects sequentially (such as the Group DOP).


This is a string value containing the full path of the current DOP Network. This value is most useful in DOP subnet digital assets where you want to know the path to the DOP Network that contains the node.


Most dynamics nodes have local variables with the same names as the node’s parameters. For example, in a Position node, you could write the expression:

$tx + 0.1

…to make the object move 0.1 units along the X axis at each timestep.


The following examples include this node.

CountImpacts Example for Count channel node

DynamicLights Example for Dynamics channel node

DynamicPops Example for Dynamics channel node

ExtractTransforms Example for Dynamics channel node

HoldLight Example for Hold channel node

Lookup Example for Lookup channel node

AnimatedActiveState Example for Active Value dynamics node

AutoFreezeRBD Example for Active Value dynamics node

LookAt Example for Anchor: Align Axis dynamics node

BridgeCollapse Example for Apply Relationship dynamics node

ConstrainedTeapots Example for Apply Relationship dynamics node

MutualConstraints Example for Apply Relationship dynamics node

SimpleBlend Example for Blend Solver dynamics node

BuoyancyForce Example for Buoyancy Force dynamics node

ClothAttachedDynamic Example for Cloth Object dynamics node

AnchorPins Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

AngularMotorDenting Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

BreakingSprings Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

Chains Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

ControlledGlueBreaking Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

GlueConstraintNetwork Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

SpringToGlue Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

AutoFracturing Example for Copy Objects dynamics node

SimpleCopy Example for Copy Objects dynamics node

PartialRagdolls Example for Crowd Solver dynamics node

PinnedRagdolls Example for Crowd Solver dynamics node

CacheToDisk Example for File dynamics node

FEMSpheres Example for finiteelementsolver dynamics node

FlipColorMix Example for FLIP Solver dynamics node

FlipFluidWire Example for FLIP Solver dynamics node

BallInTank Example for Fluid Object dynamics node

FluidFeedback Example for Fluid Object dynamics node

PaintedGrog Example for Fluid Object dynamics node

GuidedWrinkling Example for Hybrid Object dynamics node

MagnetMetaballs Example for Magnet Force dynamics node

SimpleMultiple Example for Multiple Solver dynamics node

PressureExample Example for Particle Fluid Solver dynamics node

ViscoelasticExample Example for Particle Fluid Solver dynamics node

ViscousFlow Example for Particle Fluid Solver dynamics node

ParticleCollisions Example for POP Collision Detect dynamics node

BaconDrop Example for POP Grains dynamics node

VaryingGrainSize Example for POP Grains dynamics node

Stack Example for RBD Auto Freeze dynamics node

RagdollExample Example for Cone Twist Constraint dynamics node

StackedBricks Example for RBD Fractured Object dynamics node



SimpleKeyActive Example for RBD Keyframe Active dynamics node

DeformingRBD Example for RBD Object dynamics node

FrictionBalls Example for RBD Object dynamics node

RBDInitialState Example for RBD Object dynamics node

SimpleRBD Example for RBD Object dynamics node

ActivateObjects Example for RBD Packed Object dynamics node

AnimatedObjects Example for RBD Packed Object dynamics node

EmittingObjects Example for RBD Packed Object dynamics node

Chainlinks Example for RBD Pin Constraint dynamics node

InheritVelocity Example for RBD State dynamics node

Simple Example for RBD Visualization dynamics node

ReferenceFrameForce Example for Reference Frame Force dynamics node

RippleGrid Example for Ripple Solver dynamics node

Freeze Example for Script Solver dynamics node

ScalePieces Example for Script Solver dynamics node

SumImpacts Example for Script Solver dynamics node

DelayedSmokeHandoff Example for Smoke Object dynamics node

RBDtoSmokeHandoff Example for Smoke Object dynamics node

VolumePreservingSolid Example for Solid Object dynamics node

VisualizeImpacts Example for SOP Solver dynamics node

StaticBalls Example for Static Object dynamics node

FractureExamples Example for Voronoi Fracture Solver dynamics node

SimpleVortex Example for Vortex Force dynamics node

CompressedSpring Example for Wire Object dynamics node

FadedTorus Example for Attribute Fade geometry node

ConnectedBalls Example for Connectivity geometry node

LowHigh Example for Dop Import geometry node

ProxyGeometry Example for Dop Import geometry node

dopimportrecordsexample Example for DOP Import Records geometry node

glueclusterexample Example for Glue Cluster geometry node

PartitionBall Example for Partition geometry node

PlateBreak Example for TimeShift geometry node

TransformFracturedPieces Example for Transform Pieces geometry node

Dynamics nodes