Справка Houdini на русском Shelf tools

L-system shelf tool

Creates fractal geometry from the recursive application of simple rules.

This tool is useful for simulating flora such as trees, shrubs, corals etc.

Placing an L-System in the viewer

To...Do this

Place the L-System anywhere in the scene

  1. Click the L-System tool on the Create tab.

  2. Move the cursor into the scene view.


    You can hold Alt to detach the L-System from the construction plane.

  3. Click to place the L-System anywhere in the scene view and press Enter to confirm your selection.

    If you press Enter without clicking, Houdini places the L-System at the origin.

Place the L-System at the origin

Press ⌃ Ctrl + on the L-System tool on the shelf.


L-systems can be moved once they are placed by either dragging them in the scene view or changing the values in the parameter editor.

Default L-Systems can be chosen from the Gear drop-down menu at the geometry level.

L-System Handles

The L-System does not have its own rotation parameters; however, you can rotate it at the object level using the handles in the scene view or by adding a Transform node at the geometry level.


The origin of the L-System is at the base of the tree, not the middle of the object.

For specific parameter help see the L-System node help.

See also

Shelf tools

Using the shelf

  • Customize the shelf

    How to change the look of the shelf, change and rearrange its contents, and create your own shelf tools.

Shelf tabs

  • Create tab

    Tools on the Create tab let you create and place primitives, curves, and null objects in the scene view.

  • Modify tab

    Tools on the Modify tab let you easily customize objects in the scene view.

  • Model tab

    Tools on the Model tab let you edit objects in the scene view.

  • Polygon tab

    Tools on the Polygon tab let you modify polygons in the scene view.

  • Deform tab

    Tools on the Deform tab let you deform objects in the scene view.

  • Texture tab

    Tools on the Texture tab let you texture objects in the scene view.

  • Rigging tab

    The Rigging tab contains tools for creating premade rigs.

  • Muscles tab

    The Muscles tab contains tools for creating muscles.

  • Characters tab

    Tools on the Character tab let you create characters in the scene view.

  • Constraints tab

    Tools on the Constraints tab create a constraint network where you can constrain objects to each other in the scene view.

  • Hair Utils tab

    Инструменты на вкладке Hair Utils позволяют быстро настроить волосы или шерсть на объектах.

  • Guide Process tab

    Инструменты на вкладке Guide Process влияют на положение и ориентацию волос, добавляя атрибуты на поверхность кожи при помощи рисования.

  • Guide Brushes tab

    Инструменты на вкладке Grooming позволяют добавлять волосы и напрямую на них воздействовать.

  • Terrain FX shelf tab

  • Cloud FX tab

    The Cloud FX tab contains tools for creating cloud effects.

  • Volume tab

    The Volume tab contains tools for creating volume effects.

  • Lights and Cameras tab

    Tools on the Lights and Cameras tab let you create and place lights and cameras in the scene view.

  • Collisions tab

    Tools on the Collisions tab let you create collision objects in the scene view.

  • Particles tab

    Tools on the Particles tab let you create dynamic particle simulations.

  • Grains tab

    The Grains tab contains tools for simulate grains of sand and other granular matter.

  • Rigid Bodies tab

    Tools on the Rigid Bodies tab let you create dynamic RBD objects in the scene view.

  • Particle Fluids tab

    Tools on the Particle Fluids tab let you create particle based liquids in the scene view.

  • Viscous Fluids tab

    Viscous fluids are FLIP simulations that use a temperature attribute to drive viscosity.

  • Oceans tab

    The Oceans tab contains tools for creating ocean simulations.

  • Fluid Containers tab

    The Fluid Containers tab contains tools for creating pyro, smoke, and liquid containers.

  • Populate Containers tab

    The Populate Containers tab contains tools for creating and removing fire, smoke, and liquid.

  • Container Tools tab

    The Container Tools tab contains tools for manipulating fire, smoke, and liquid.

  • Pyro FX tab

    Tools on the Pryo FX tab let you create simulated smoke and fire effects.

  • Cloth tab

    Tools on the Cloth tab let you create and constrain cloth objects in the scene view.

  • Solid tab

    Tools on the Solid tab let you create and modify solid objects.

  • Wires tab

    Tools on the Wires tab let you create flexible dynamic objects in the scene view.

  • Crowds tab

    The Crowds tab contains tools for creating crowds, crowd behaviors, as well as examples.

  • Drive Simulation tab

    Tools on the Drive Simulation tab let you manipulate dynamic objects in the scene view.
