The Lights and Cameras tab on the shelf is used to create and place lights and cameras in the scene view.
Shelf tools
Adds a camera to the scene. You can Ctrl-click the shelf tool to create a camera from the current view.
Adds a point light to the scene. A point light radiates light equally in all directions from a point in space. It is the most efficient type of light to calculate.
Adds a spot light to the scene. A spot light casts light from a point in space, in a certain direction. The beam of light is cone shaped, with a radius and falloff at the edges.
Simulates a light in the shape of a line, rectangle, disk, or sphere.
Simulates a light with the shape and color of a geometry object you select.
Simulates illumination from an emissive volume.
Adds a distant light to the scene. A distant light casts parallel light rays throughout the scene in a certain direction. This is useful for simulating a very distant light source such as the sun.
Environment Lights provide background illumination from outside the scene.
Adds an environment light with an automatic sky reflection map.
Adds an indirect light using photon maps to light an enclosed environment.
Adds an environment light using caustic photon maps, causing other lights in the scene to cast caustic reflections/refractions.
Adds an environment light that only shines through geometry you select. This is much more efficient for enclosed environments where the environment light can only enter through a few portals (windows, doors).
Adds a constant level of light to every surface in the scene (or in the light’s mask), coming from no specific direction.
Provides parameters to manipulate the interaxial lens distance as well as the zero parallax setting plane in the scene.
Camera supporting VR image rendering.
Acts as a camera but switches between the views from other cameras.