This tool creates an example stadium scene using the crowds tools. The agents in the stadium sit by default and a rotating box triggers them to stand up, causing them to do a wave.
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Creates an example stadium scene using the crowds tools.
This tool creates an example stadium scene using the crowds tools. The agents in the stadium sit by default and a rotating box triggers them to stand up, causing them to do a wave.
Creates a render subnet to bake out character animation for use in a crowd simulation.
Creates a new agent layer that is suitable for collision detection.
Sets the rotation limits of an agent’s joints.
Creates an agent source geometry node to generate agents for a crowd simulation.
Allows you to paint areas of high and low crowd density on terrain to affect the random placement of agents.
Sets up a crowd simulation network.
Sets the selected geometry as the terrain for a crowd simulation.
Sets the selected static DOP object as an obstacle for agents in a crowd simulation.
Sets agents in a crowd simulation to follow the selected curve.
Sets agents in a crowd simulation to look at the selected object.
Guides agents towards a target position.
Creates and attaches cameras to crowd agents to visualize their point of view.
Creates an example stadium scene using the crowds tools.
Creates an example street scene using the crowds tools.
Creates an example formation scene using the crowds tools.
Creates an example of using fuzzy logic for obstacle avoidance and path following.
Creates an example of using fuzzy logic for state transitions.
Creates an example of using ragdolls in a crowd simulation.