On this page |
File menu
View menu
Render menu
Anim menu
Image menu
Windows menu
MPlay menu bar controls
MPlay main bar controls
Displays the image view.
Displays the timeline view.
Displays the histogram view.
Drop-down menu
Allows you to switch between planes.
Zooms in on the image.
Zooms out on the image.
Centers the view to show the whole image.
Resizes image to the size of the viewport.
Shows image information.
Maximized the current viewport.
Applies changes to all views. If this option is turned off, changes will only be applied to the current view.
Links scrolling to all views.
MPlay control bar
Shows all planes.
Shows only the red plane.
Shows only the green plane.
Shows only the blue plane.
Shows only the alpha plane.
Icon drop-down menu
Allows you to alternate between the Brightness and Contrast controls and the White & Black Points controls.
Allows you to adjust the brightness value. Click the icon to reset to the default value of 1.
Allows you to adjust the contrast value. Click the icon to reset to the default value of 1.
Allows you to adjust the bright shift value. Click the icon to reset to the default value of 0.
Allows you to adjust the black point value. Click the icon to reset to the default value of 0.
Allows you to adjust the white point value. Click the icon to reset to the default value of 1.
Allows you to adjust the gamma value. Click the icon to reset to the default value of 1.
Clicking this icon will enable the LUT. Clicking
on this icon will give you to option to Load LUT or Enable LUT.
Adapts the image to full pixel range.
Playbar controls
See Playbar help page.