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Use mplay --help
to display the list of options.
Image options
Group the command line images into separate sequences, based on base name and extension.
Leave the images in the command line unsorted (in the order they appear).
-Z pad
Load only images that are padded to pad digits (or 0 for non-padded images only).
Load fractional frames: assume .
is a decimal if it appears in
filenames to the left of the frame number.
Disable negative frames: assume -
is a separator, not a negative
symbol, when it appears in filenames to the left of the frame number.
-z level
Load images zoomed to a certain percentage, where level is
, 25
, 33
, 50
, 66
, 75
or 100
Flip all images vertically.
-B file
Set the background image(s). This will automatically enable transparency and background images.
Load RGB color components only (no alpha).
Use an unlimited amount of memory for images.
-m N
Limit memory usage to N MB.
-w width
Images loaded from STDIN are width pixels wide.
-h height
Images loaded from STDIN are height pixels high.
-x aspect
Sets the pixel aspect ratio.
-X on|off
Enable or disable stretching to account for pixel ratio.
-S n
Load n images from STDIN in RGBA format.
-O startframe step
Load images from STDIN starting at startframe and skipping step frames.
-L lutfile
Sets lutfile as the lookup table for Cineon images.
-l w g iw
Sets the Cineon white point to w, the film gamma to g and the image white point iw.
Leave Cineon files in their natural 10 bit log space.
-d lutfile
Set the display LUT to lutfile.
-i lutfile
Set the inspect LUT to lutfile.
Always load images at 8-bit depth.
-G gamma
Sets the display gamma. For example, -G 2.2
-j x1 y1 x2 y2
Select a sub-region of the image to load, using fractional
values between 0
and 1
. For example,
-j 0.25 0.25 0.75 0.75
to load the center region.
-J x1 y1 x2 y2
Select a sub-region of the image to load, using pixels.
For example, -J 20 10 320 200
-E leftimg rightimg
Load two images as a stereo image pair.
-E file1 file2
Loads stereo image pairs. The first file specified should be the left image, and the second should be the right image.
Playback Options
Pre-cache all images at startup.
-f start end step
Sets the frame range (start to end) and frame step.
Startup in playback mode.
-P mode
Sets the playback mode to 'loop', 'once' or 'zigzag'.
-r fps
Set the frames per second for realtime play.
Turn on realtime play without specifying a rate.
-M mode
How to deal with missing frames, where mode is one of:
Show a black frame.
Show the previous frame.
Show the next frame.
Show the closest available frame.
UI Options
-b s|d
Startup in single (s
) or double (d
) buffer mode. Single
buffer provides faster playback speed (default).
Full image view mode; do not show any extra UI.
Disable tool tips.
Tell MPlay to listen on a socket for input images.
Tell MPlay to listen on a socket for flipbook images. Images rendered to the ip device will be displayed.
MPlay window stays on top (on Windows).
-V x y
Sets the viewport layout to x columns by y rows.
-e c|s|h|v|b|d [val]
Enables diffing with the mode set to:
Split horizontal (split at val, default 0.5
Split vertical (split at val, default 0.5
Blend (by val amount, default 0.5
Highlight differences (uses val, default 0
Audio Options
-a file
Load audio from file.
-A volume
Sets the volume scale (default 1
-o fr sec
Aligns the animation frame fr to sec audio seconds.
-s on|off
Enable or disable the audio scrub sustain.
-W rate
Sets the audio scrub rate.