Display particles
How Houdini draws particles and disconnected points.
Draw points as uniform dots, controlled by Point Size (in pixels). In this mode, close and far points are drawn at the same size.
Draw points as single pixels. This may be useful for very dense particle simulations.
Draw particles as streaks. This only affects particles (disconnected points are drawn as dots).
Draw particles as filled circles, with the radius controlled by Disc size (in world space units). In this mode, particles are drawn as actual geometry, so closer particles appear bigger than far particles. This only affects particles (disconnected points are drawn as dots).
Display Sprites
If particles have sprite attributes (see the Sprite node), draw the sprite image at the particle location.
Point Size
The size (in pixels) of particle and unconnected points, when Display particles is "Point".
Disc Size
The size (in Houdini units), of the filled circles, when Display particles is "Disc".
Orient Discs to N
When Display particles is "Disc", this orients the discs with the particle’s normal. If the particle doesn’t have a normal, it uses the particle’s velocity.
Sprite Texture Limit
The minimum and maximum display size of a sprite texture.