The simulation menu button in the bottom right corner of the main window allows you to control simulations.

To...Do this

Turn all simulations on or off

Click the simulation menu button to switch between simulation on and off.


Right-click or press and hold on the button and use the Enable simulation menu item.

Reset the simulation

Shift-click the simulation menu button.

Set which DOP network the shelf tools will create new dynamics nodes in

Right-click or press and hold on the button and open the Current simulation sub-menu. Choose the DOP network you want the shelf tools to affect.

Create a new DOP network at the Scene level

Right-click or press and hold on the button and choose Create new simulation.

Note: if it does not already exist, the shelf tools will create a new DOP network at the scene level called AutoDopNetwork automatically. So it is only necessary to use this command if you want additional DOP networks for some reason.

This command creates a new numbered AutoDopNetwork DOP network node at the scene level.


Learning dynamics

Colliding objects

Simulation types

Non-DOP simulations

Next steps