
This example handles the following events:


Triggered when the widget size changes, e.g. resizing the pane tab.


Triggered when the cursor moves and setMouseTracking is called on the widget.

Enter and Leave

Triggered when the cursor enters or leaves the widget.


Triggered when the widget should redraw.

In this example, Resize and MouseMove are used to track position and size, and Enter/Leave are used to track focus state. When Paint is called the position and size are displayed beside the cursor. The focus state is used to select a background color.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- This file contains definitions of Python interfaces and the
 interfaces menu.  It should not be hand-edited when it is being
 used by the application.  Note, that two definitions of the
 same interface or of the interfaces menu are not allowed
 in a single file. -->
  <interface name="EventExample" label="Qt Event Example" icon="SOP_drawcurve">
    <script><![CDATA[import math
import os
import sys

from hutil.Qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

panel_path = "%s/houdini/help/examples/python_panels/" % os.environ["HFS"]

from examplehelp import ExampleHelpWidget

class QtEventExample(QtWidgets.QWidget):
    def __init__(self, paneTab):

        self.paneTab = paneTab

        # Mouse tracking must be enabled to receive mouse move events

        self.mouseX = 0
        self.mouseY = 0
        self.sizeX = 0
        self.sizeY = 0
        self.factor = 100

        self.fullHelpString = """This example demonstrates how Python Panels can listen to Qt events. 
                The following events are handled:<br><br>
                  * <b>Resize</b> - Triggered when the widget size changes, e.g. resizing the pane tab.<br>
                  * <b>MouseMove</b> - Triggered when the cursor moves and `setMouseTracking` is called on the widget.<br>
                  * <b>Enter</b> and <b>Leave</b> - Triggered when the cursor enters or leaves the widget.<br>
                  * <b>Paint</b> - Triggered when the widget should redraw.<br><br>
                In this example, Resize and MouseMove are used to track position and size, and Enter/Leave are used 
                to track focus state. When Paint is called the position and size are displayed beside the cursor. The 
                focus state is used to select a background color."""
        self.smallHelpString = """This example demonstrates how Python Panels can listen to Qt events. 
                Click <b>Show More</b> for more details...""" 
        self.helpWidget = ExampleHelpWidget(self.smallHelpString, self.fullHelpString)

        layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
        layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)

        layout.addWidget(self.helpWidget, 1, QtCore.Qt.AlignTop)

    # This method is called immediately before the widget is shown
    def showEvent(self, event):
            # Try to set the pane tab label for the widget. A try/catch
            # is needed since the pane tab type may be changed elsewhere
            pane = self.paneTab
            pane.setLabel("(Shown) Qt Event Example")

    # This method is called after the widget is hidden
    def hideEvent(self, event):
            # Try to set the pane tab label for the widget. A try/catch
            # is needed since the pane tab type may be changed elsewhere
            pane = self.paneTab
            pane.setLabel("(Hidden) Qt Event Example")

    # Called when the widget's dimensions change
    def resizeEvent(self, event):
        # Store the new size so it can be drawn to the screen later on
        self.sizeX = event.size().width()
        self.sizeY = event.size().height()

    # Called when the mouse cursor moves around inside the widget boundaries
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
        # Store mouse coordinates so they can be drawn to the screen 
        self.mouseX = event.x()
        self.mouseY = event.y()

    # Called when the cursor enters the outer bounds of the widget
    def enterEvent(self, event):
        # self.factor controls background brightness - 120 is bright
        self.factor = 100

    # Called when the cursor leaves the outer bounds of the widget
    def leaveEvent(self, event):
        # self.factor controls background brightness - 80 is dark
        self.factor = 80

    # Called when the widget needs to repaint its contents
    def paintEvent(self, event):
        # Construct a painter from the widget and fill a background color
        painter = QtGui.QPainter(self)
        color = QtGui.QColor(self.factor*0.55, self.factor*0.7, self.factor * 0.8)
        painter.fillRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height(), color)

        # If the mouse is inside the widget, render the size and position next to the cursor
        if self.factor > 80:
            pos_string = "Mouse Position: [" + str(self.mouseX) + "," + str(self.mouseY) + "]"
            size_string = "Panel Size: [" + str(self.sizeX) + "," + str(self.sizeY) + "]"
            painter.drawText(self.mouseX + 20, self.mouseY + 5, pos_string)
            painter.drawText(self.mouseX + 20, self.mouseY + 18, size_string)

def onCreateInterface():
    example = QtEventExample(kwargs['paneTab'])
    return example


Python panel examples

  • Custom Graphics

    Custom OpenGL drawing in a Python Panel.

  • Linked parameters

    How to link PySide parameter widgets (i.e. text fields and sliders) to Houdini node parameters and vice versa.

  • Qt designer

    How to load user interface layout from a Qt Designer file.

  • Qt events

    How Python Panels can listen to Qt events.

  • Viewport color editor

    A PySide interface for editing viewport colors.