Справка Houdini на русском Nodes Object nodes

Fetch object node

The Fetch Object gets its transform by copying the transform of another object.

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The Fetch Object gets its transform by copying the transform of another object. This makes it easy to get the transform of an object contained in a subnet, and use it as the parent of an object at another level in the object hierarchy.


Fetch Object

Name of the object to use as the source for this object’s transform.

Use Parent Transform of This Object

If this option is set, then in the calculations of its world transform the Fetch object will include its input transform. Usually, the input transform also contains the parent subnet’s transform, if the Fetch object is contained in a subnet. If this option is not set, then the world transform will not include the parent transform.

Use Parent Transform of Fetched Object

If this option is set, then in the calculations of its world transform the Fetch object will include the input transform of the fetched object (along with the parent subnet’s transform of the fetched object, if the fetched object is contained within a subnet). If this option is not set, then the world transform will not include the parent transform of the fetched object.

Fetch Subnet Transform

This option is only available if the object being fetched is an object subnet and the parent transform of the fetched object is used. If this parameter is set, then it will fetch the subnet’s real world transform (computed using the subnet’s translate, rotate and scale parameters) instead of the transform defined by subnet’s output.

Invert Fetched Transform

This parameter inverts the fetched transform before using it in the Fetch object. If the Fetch object uses also the parent transform of the fetched object, then both the local transform of the fetched object and the parent transform of the fetched object are inverted in such a way, that, in its calculations, the Fetch object effectively uses an inverted world transform of the fetched object.

Set Wireframe Color

Use the specified wireframe color

Wireframe Color

The display color of the object

Viewport Selecting Enabled

Object is capable of being picked in the viewport.

Select Script

Script to run when the object is picked in the viewport. See select scripts .

Cache Object Transform

Caches object transforms once Houdini calculates them. This is especially useful for objects whose world space position is expensive to calculate (such as Sticky objects), and objects at the end of long parenting chains (such as Bones). This option is turned on by default for Sticky and Bone objects.

See the OBJ Caching section of the Houdini Preferences window for how to control the size of the object transform cache.

Enable Constraints

Enable Constraints Network on the object.


Path to a CHOP Constraints Network. See also creating constraints.


You can you use the Constraints drop down button to activate one of the Constraints Shelf Tool. If you do so, the first pick session is filled automatically by nodes selected in the parameter panel.


Lookat and Follow Path parameters on object nodes are deprecated in favor of Look At and Follow Path constraints. The parameters are only hidden for now and you can set their visibitily if you do edit the node’s parameter interface.


The following examples include this node.

ReferenceFrameForce Example for Reference Frame Force dynamics node

Object nodes

  • Agent Cam

    Create and attach camera to a crowd agent.

  • Alembic Archive

    Loads the objects from an Alembic scene archive (.abc) file into the object level.

  • Alembic Xform

    Loads only the transform from an object or objects in an Alembic scene archive (.abc).

  • Ambient Light

    Adds a constant level of light to every surface in the scene (or in the light’s mask), coming from no specific direction.

  • Atmosphere

    Creates a fog effect when rendered.

  • Auto Bone Chain Interface

    The Auto Bone Chain Interface is created by the IK from Objects and IK from Bones tools on the Rigging shelf.

  • Blend

    Switches or blends between the transformations of several input objects.

  • Blend Sticky

    Computes its transform by blending between the transforms of two or more sticky objects, allowing you to blend a position across a polygonal surface.

  • Bone

    The Bone Object is used to create hierarchies of limb-like objects that form part of a hierarchy …

  • COP2 Plane

    Container for the Compositing operators (COP2) that define a picture.

  • Camera

    You can view your scene through a camera, and render from its point of view.

  • Dop Network

    The DOP Network Object contains a dynamic simulation.

  • Environment Light

    Environment Lights provide background illumination from outside the scene.

  • Extract Transform

    The Extract Transform Object gets its transform by comparing the points of two pieces of geometry.

  • Fetch

    The Fetch Object gets its transform by copying the transform of another object.

  • Formation Crowd Example

    Crowd example showing a changing formation setup

  • Franken Muscle

    Creates a custom muscle by combining any number of geometry objects, muscle rigs, and muscle pins.

  • Fuzzy Logic Obstacle Avoidance Example

  • Fuzzy Logic State Transition Example

  • Geometry

    Container for the geometry operators (SOPs) that define a modeled object.

  • Groom Merge

    Объединяет данные груминга нескольких объектов в один поток.

  • Guide Deform

    Смещает кривые груминга в соответствии с анимированной геометрией кожи (skin).

  • Guide Groom

    Генерирует направляющие кривые на геометрии кожи и выполняет дальнейшую обработку с использованием редактируемой сети SOP, содержащейся в ноде.

  • Guide Simulate

    Выполняет физическую симуляцию направляющих.

  • Hair Generate

    Генерирует волосы из направляющих кривых и геометрии кожи.

  • Handle

    The Handle Object is an IK tool for manipulating bones.

  • Indirect Light

    Indirect lights produce illumination that has reflected from other objects in the scene.

  • Instance

    Instance Objects can instance other geometry, light, or even subnetworks of objects.

  • Light

    Light Objects cast light on other objects in a scene.

  • Light template

    A very limited light object without any built-in render properties. Use this only if you want to build completely custom light with your choice of properties.

  • Microphone

    The Microphone object specifies a listening point for the SpatialAudio CHOP.

  • Mocap Acclaim

    Import Acclaim motion capture.

  • Mocap Biped 1

    A male character with motion captured animations.

  • Mocap Biped 2

    A male character with motion captured animations.

  • Mocap Biped 3

    A male character with motion captured animations.

  • Muscle

    The Muscle object is a versatile tool that can be used when rigging characters and creatures with musculature.

  • Muscle Pin

    Creates a simple rigging component for attaching regions of a Franken Muscle to your character rig.

  • Muscle Rig

    Creates the internal components of a muscle (the rig), by stroking a curve onto a skin object.

  • Null

    Serves as a place-holder in the scene, usually for parenting. this object does not render.

  • Path

    The Path object creates an oriented curve (path)

  • PathCV

    The PathCV object creates control vertices used by the Path object.

  • Pxr AOV Light

    Pxr AOV Light object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Barn Light Filter

    Pxr Barn Light Filter object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Blocker Light Filter

    Pxr Blocker Light Filter object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Cookie Light Filter

    Pxr Cookie Light Filter object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Day Light

    Pxr Day Light object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Disk Light

    Pxr Disk Light object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Distant Light

    Pxr Distant Light object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Dome Light

    Pxr Dome Light object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Gobo Light Filter

    Pxr Gobo Light Filter object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Mesh Light

    Pxr Mesh Light object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Portal Light

    Pxr Portal Light object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Ramp Light Filter

    Pxr Ramp Light Filter object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Rectangle Light

    Pxr Rectangle Light object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Rod Light Filter

    Pxr Rod Light Filter object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Sphere Light

    Pxr Sphere Light object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Standard Area Light

    Pxr Standard Area Light object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Standard Environment Day Light

    Pxr Standard Environment Day Light object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Pxr Standard Environment Map Light

    Pxr Standard Environment Map Light object for RenderMan RIS.

  • Python Script

    The Python Script object is a container for the geometry operators (SOPs) that define a modeled object.

  • Ragdoll Run Example

    Crowd example showing a simple ragdoll setup.

  • Rivet

    Creates a rivet on an objects surface, usually for parenting.

  • Simple Biped

    A simple and efficient animation rig with full controls.

  • Simple Female

    A simple and efficient female character animation rig with full controls.

  • Simple Male

    A simple and efficient male character animation rig with full controls.

  • Sound

    The Sound object defines a sound emission point for the Spatial Audio chop.

  • Stereo Camera Rig

    Provides parameters to manipulate the interaxial lens distance as well as the zero parallax setting plane in the scene.

  • Stereo Camera Template

    Serves as a basis for constructing a more functional stereo camera rig as a digital asset.

  • Sticky

    Creates a sticky object based on the UV’s of a surface, usually for parenting.

  • Subnet

    Container for objects.

  • Switcher

    Acts as a camera but switches between the views from other cameras.

  • Tissue Solver

    Collects muscles, anatomical bone models, and skin objects and places them into a single dynamics simulation.

  • VR Camera

    Camera supporting VR image rendering.

  • Viewport Isolator

    A Python Script HDA providing per viewport isolation controls from selection.

  • pxr Int Mult Light Filter

    pxr Int Mult Light Filter object for RenderMan RIS.