Справка Houdini на русском Shelf tools

FLIP Tank shelf tool

Generates node networks to create a half-filled box of FLIP fluid material, with proper boundary conditions to contain the fluid in the box.


This tool does not actually create a FLIP fluid tank object you can manipulate. It generates several node networks that together create the fluid box. To edit various aspects of the fluid tank, you will need to jump between different networks and nodes.

How to

To...Do this

Create a FLIP fluid tank

  1. On the Particle Fluids tab, click Flip Tank.

  2. In the viewport, click to place the tank. You can hold Alt to move up and down from the construction plane. Press Enter to place the box at the origin.


You can ⌃ Ctrl-click the tool to automatically create the tank at the origin.

Resize the tank

  1. In the network editor, go up to the Scene level, then double-click the fluidtank_initial object to go inside.

  2. Click the fluidbounds node.

  3. Use the handles in the viewport or the parameters in the parameter editor to change the size of the box.

Change the fluid level

  1. In the network editor, go up to the Scene level, then double-click the fluidtank_initial object to go inside.

  2. Click the waterlevel node.

  3. In the viewport, drag the red rings to move the water level up or down, or edit the Distance parameter.

See also

Shelf tools

Using the shelf

  • Customize the shelf

    How to change the look of the shelf, change and rearrange its contents, and create your own shelf tools.

Shelf tabs

  • Create tab

    Tools on the Create tab let you create and place primitives, curves, and null objects in the scene view.

  • Modify tab

    Tools on the Modify tab let you easily customize objects in the scene view.

  • Model tab

    Tools on the Model tab let you edit objects in the scene view.

  • Polygon tab

    Tools on the Polygon tab let you modify polygons in the scene view.

  • Deform tab

    Tools on the Deform tab let you deform objects in the scene view.

  • Texture tab

    Tools on the Texture tab let you texture objects in the scene view.

  • Rigging tab

    The Rigging tab contains tools for creating premade rigs.

  • Muscles tab

    The Muscles tab contains tools for creating muscles.

  • Characters tab

    Tools on the Character tab let you create characters in the scene view.

  • Constraints tab

    Tools on the Constraints tab create a constraint network where you can constrain objects to each other in the scene view.

  • Hair Utils tab

    Инструменты на вкладке Hair Utils позволяют быстро настроить волосы или шерсть на объектах.

  • Guide Process tab

    Инструменты на вкладке Guide Process влияют на положение и ориентацию волос, добавляя атрибуты на поверхность кожи при помощи рисования.

  • Guide Brushes tab

    Инструменты на вкладке Grooming позволяют добавлять волосы и напрямую на них воздействовать.

  • Terrain FX shelf tab

  • Cloud FX tab

    The Cloud FX tab contains tools for creating cloud effects.

  • Volume tab

    The Volume tab contains tools for creating volume effects.

  • Lights and Cameras tab

    Tools on the Lights and Cameras tab let you create and place lights and cameras in the scene view.

  • Collisions tab

    Tools on the Collisions tab let you create collision objects in the scene view.

  • Particles tab

    Tools on the Particles tab let you create dynamic particle simulations.

  • Grains tab

    The Grains tab contains tools for simulate grains of sand and other granular matter.

  • Rigid Bodies tab

    Tools on the Rigid Bodies tab let you create dynamic RBD objects in the scene view.

  • Particle Fluids tab

    Tools on the Particle Fluids tab let you create particle based liquids in the scene view.

  • Viscous Fluids tab

    Viscous fluids are FLIP simulations that use a temperature attribute to drive viscosity.

  • Oceans tab

    The Oceans tab contains tools for creating ocean simulations.

  • Fluid Containers tab

    The Fluid Containers tab contains tools for creating pyro, smoke, and liquid containers.

  • Populate Containers tab

    The Populate Containers tab contains tools for creating and removing fire, smoke, and liquid.

  • Container Tools tab

    The Container Tools tab contains tools for manipulating fire, smoke, and liquid.

  • Pyro FX tab

    Tools on the Pryo FX tab let you create simulated smoke and fire effects.

  • Cloth tab

    Tools on the Cloth tab let you create and constrain cloth objects in the scene view.

  • Solid tab

    Tools on the Solid tab let you create and modify solid objects.

  • Wires tab

    Tools on the Wires tab let you create flexible dynamic objects in the scene view.

  • Crowds tab

    The Crowds tab contains tools for creating crowds, crowd behaviors, as well as examples.

  • Drive Simulation tab

    Tools on the Drive Simulation tab let you manipulate dynamic objects in the scene view.
